Gift Card
Want to gift someone that you know with a weeks full of meal prep? Easy Peasy Lemon Squeazy. Reminder that the recipient must live in Portland, OR.
Gift $25 or $50 off an existing service.
A full week of Meal Prep with $75.
A full week & some jingle jangle with $100.
Two full weeks of Meal Prep with $150.
Or an entire month with $375
Want to gift someone that you know with a weeks full of meal prep? Easy Peasy Lemon Squeazy. Reminder that the recipient must live in Portland, OR.
Gift $25 or $50 off an existing service.
A full week of Meal Prep with $75.
A full week & some jingle jangle with $100.
Two full weeks of Meal Prep with $150.
Or an entire month with $375
Want to gift someone that you know with a weeks full of meal prep? Easy Peasy Lemon Squeazy. Reminder that the recipient must live in Portland, OR.
Gift $25 or $50 off an existing service.
A full week of Meal Prep with $75.
A full week & some jingle jangle with $100.
Two full weeks of Meal Prep with $150.
Or an entire month with $375